The team at SEMC has always been in awe at the amazing fan artists that have put energy into creating artwork around Vainglory. In the past, we have even run a number of fan art events that allowed us to showcase some of this work and even provide virtual rewards to some of the best.
In the spirit of shifting VG:CE into community hands, we are looking to take this art event a step further and incorporate the winning pieces directly into the CE app. Are you someone that feels Kestrel needs to move on at this point (We <3 you, Kestrel!)? Now’s your chance to make a change!
We want to update two main elements in the VG:CE client:
- The application’s logo/icon to represent the shift to “Vainglory: Community Edition” (or Vainglory: CE for short).

- At its largest size, this asset should be 1024 x 1024 pixels (can make this larger, but will need to land here as a final form)
- The homescreen splash art.

- At its largest size, this asset should be 2048 x 901 pixels (can make this larger, but will need to land here as a final form)
You have until May 15th to share with the community your original work on Twitter. After that, we will collect a short list of top-runners and allow the community to vote on their favorites.
The top-voted pieces of artwork will be added to the VG:CE client to represent the shift into the game’s next chapter.
- Your submission must be your original artwork
- You can submit as many entries as you like
- The event begins April 24th and we are accepting submissions until May 15th
- SEMC will curate and make a short list of our favorites by May 22nd
- On May 22nd you will be able to vote on the shortlist of entries both on Twitter and our Vainglory Discord
- The winner will be selected based on the total number of votes across both locations
- Submit your piece of artwork via your personal Twitter using the tag: #VGCEART
- Make sure your account is not set to private, or else we will not be able to see your entry!
- Submit your piece of artwork via your personal Twitter using the tag: #VGCEART
- Please note – that upon conclusion of this community contest a formal signed release waiver will be required with the winner(s) to incorporate the artwork in the VG:CE client.
Thank you for the feedback you’ve given us so far on our journey towards a fully realized Community Edition for Vainglory. Please do continue to let us know your thoughts!